With a bonus special guest maths author, Kit Yates (The Maths of Life + Death).
February 2021: Magic Numbers
Rebel Book: #70
Book: The Life-Changing Magic of Numbers by Bobby Seagull (Virgin Books)
Meetup: Hop In – Virtual Event Space
Special Guest: Bobby Seagull, Kit Yates + Lucy Davis from Maths on Toast
Fuel: ‘Mind Electric’Cocktails From Your Cupboardby Mix + Muddle
Action: £295 raised for Maths on Toast
Q+A with Bobby Seagull
Bobby Seagull is a mathematician, teacher and writer. He appeared on the television programme University Challenge in 2017, and in 2018 on Monkman & Seagull’s Genius Guide to Britain. His first book and our February read, The Life-Changing Magic of Numbers, was published in 2019.
We’ve had so much fun with Bobby this month, beginning with our weekly quiz questions for our mathletes teams and concluding with his unrivalled positive energy about maths at our February meetup.
He went above and beyond to bring his book and passion to life for all of us at Rebel Book Club and it’s fair to say we are now Seagull super fans!
We kicked off the event by asking our members to describe their relationship with numbers in one word – we got quite the range…

University Challenge-d, Bobby, joined us for a Q+A, before taking us through an interactive quiz (more below). Check out what he had to say here…
Our Bobby Seagull Mathletes Quiz Champ for 2021 was Holly Davis, who smashed Bobby’s live quiz with a massive 9/10. Congrats again Holly!

If you fancy having a go at Bobby’s 10 question quiz, we’ve recreated here for you. Can you beat Bobby’s maths? Let’s see…
Two superstar maths authors finally meet – Bobby Seagull chats to Kit Yates
We were very lucky to have not one but TWO maths authors with us this month. In part two of the event, Bobby is joined by Kit Yates.
Kit is the author of The Maths of Life + Death, a mathematical biologist at The University of Bath, and a regular quiz-setter + go-to mathematician for the UK media, explaining tricky mathematical concepts like the Covid R-number.
They are joined by Lucy Davis (CEO of Maths on Toast) later in the chat and the full chat with Lucy about Maths on Toast is linked later in the blog.
Without further ado, here are Bobby, Kit and Lucy talking about all things Magic Numbers…
We had such a blast this month.
Thank you so much to our wonderful author this month, Bobby Seagull. And to Kit and Lucy for sharing their wisdom with us in bringing our February theme, Magic Numbers, to life.
Who knew numbers could be so much fun!
Introducing ‘Maths on Toast’
Finally, each month we give our members the opportunity to donate the cost of a kindle book to a selected charity, usually associated with our theme.
This month we supported Maths on Toast, and here’s their CEO Lucy Davis to tell you all about their work.
If you’re new here, welcome!
We are Rebel Book Club, a global nonfiction book club.
We’ve been reading together for 5+ years and we exist to accelerate your reading habits, connect you with like-minded thinkers + doers and take positive action in a changing world…
We have an event at the end of each month, where we hear from experts in a relevant field to the books we’re reading – which is how this blog post came about.
If you’d like to find out more, check out our website, follow us on Instagram or email our Membership Manager at hello@rebelbookclub.co.uk.
We can’t wait to welcome you aboard!